Refugee Resettlement Services Platform

VisualVault’s Refugee Resettlement Services Management System is a cloud-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) that accelerates services assistance requests for refugees and immigrants for you and your partners.

Technology & Approach Delivers Superior
Refugee Resettlement Program

Addressing efficiency, compliance and equity challenges, the VisualVault Refugee Services solution collects and aggregates refugee data and makes it available to all parties, paving the way for seamless service coordination and delivery of reporting requirements.

Open Access

Employees, service providers, refugees and others all have direct access to the platform.

Superior User Experience

Smartphone, app-like experience provides prompts and leads user through process.


Artificial Intelligence quickly processes and analyzes vast quantities of data.

Low Code​

Allows system administrators to quickly and easily configure new functionality.

High-Volume, Error-Free Case Data Intake & Ongoing Tracking

At VisualVault, we have extensive case management expertise, supporting multiple government agencies and services functions like yours. The VisualVault system automates the entire refugee and immigrant service inquiry process, eliminating data entry errors, manual processes and unnecessary delays.

VisualVault searches, retrieves, mines and categorizes specific text in every stored refugee application-related document, data, and content over a case’s lifecycle. The platform also analyzes successes and milestones reached and flags any bottlenecks causing service delivery inefficiencies and compliance risks.

Integrating Data Silos Into a Single Digital Hub

With VisualVault, your staff and vendors will spend less time creating reports. The system has the capability to pull all the data and content from each of your vendors and internal users into one integrated digital repository, eliminating the error-prone manual merging of individual data excel sheets.


AI Predictive Analytics for Services Performance Assessment & Reporting

The platform’s predictive analytics enables generation of vendor performance reports with a forward-looking twist. In addition to giving management teams a real-time view of any issues needing to be addressed, the powerful predictive analytics will also allow you to test scenarios for any potential refugee services program changes prior to implementing the changes.

Real-Time All-User Access

VisualVault’s revolutionary licensing model enables platform access to all parties – government employees, vendors and refugees via laptop or smartphone. As a result, new levels of efficiency and quality experiences are created for all stakeholders. Vendors and your team can provide refugee and immigrant service request updates, approvals and denials right within the VisualVault platform, significantly streamlining staff time for vendor audit and oversight.


“Pathways” Process Guide Streamlines Data Intake

VisualVault’s unique Pathways capability facilitates refugee and immigrant data intake via an easy to follow Q&A-guided digital iForm they can fill out in either English or Spanish.

Ensuring all data is captured, the platform’s AI technology performs real-time data validation and “self-corrects” any missing or incorrect information entered. This negates the need by agency and vendor staff for time-consuming data entry and phone, text, and email follow-ups to record any data gaps. Likewise, VisualVault assures refugees and immigrants their service request will be addressed in a timely manner without needing to apply in-person.

Configurable, Scalable Social Services Management Platform

VisualVault is a simple to use, turnkey solution that virtually plugs into your existing services delivery workflow processes with little training required for your teams and vendors. Additionally, because VisualVault is built as a flexible, adaptable Platform as a Service (PaaS) architecture, it can be repurposed with minimal adjustments to extend and scale for utilization by your other agencies beyond refugee and immigration resettlement services.
