- Why VisualVault?
Redefining how you pay for (and how you use) a modern SaaS solution.
Features and capabilities built to simplify and accelerate usage of the platform.
Program visibility and forward-looking insight to your personal dashboard.
- Platform
Bringing greater efficiency to critical document management processes.
A comprehensive set of solutions for content and process management.
Putting the power of solution development in the hands of platform users.
Increasing efficiency and accuracy, with workflow automation solutions.
Architected and optimized to protect your data and manage compliance.
- Solutions
A platform that’s ideally-suited to deliver the technical capabilities and functionality that counties, large cities, municipalities and state governments.
VisualVault’s competence in rapidly processing massive quantities of data securely and accurately makes it an ideal platform for mission-critical patient data applications.
Central to VisualVault’s appeal across the higher education market is the ease with which it integrates with existing technology solutions and consolidates data; delivering a single source of the truth.
In VisualVault, We know the industry, its intricacies and how to deliver the control and visibility into data and documents that studio management has been seeking as it works to bring greater efficiency to its operations.
Organizing information, streamlining processes, improving visibility and delivering analytics that give you the data you need to take your manufacturing operation to the next level.
Realize efficiencies, identify customer insights and create incremental opportunities by employing state-of-the-art data and process management solutions and advanced analytics.
Realize efficiencies, identify customer insights and create incremental opportunities by employing state-of-the-art data and process management solutions and advanced analytics.
- Company
Good Case Management Data Enables Quality Service
VisualVault’s configurable Case Management platform for the Public Sector organizes, coordinates and tracks the network of activities, services, and support efforts designed to optimize the well-being of the individuals and families served by government-funded programs.

Automation Streamlines Critical Actions
So often, resource constraints delay action when delivering critical services to citizens most in need. There simply aren’t enough qualified resources to execute so many tasks in so little time. That’s why streamlining processes has become a leadership priority wherever and whenever possible,
Low code workflow automation solutions, which are the backbone of the VisualVault platform, deliver the automation and service improvements that programs require.
Self-Service Becomes the Norm
Managing details and documenting interactions are very often hallmarks of Case Management activities. While that hasn’t changed, the methods have. When the program is extended to the entire user community, self-service becomes the norm. Status updates, submissions, licensing and renewals can all be completed without government staff assistance and all users have real-time access to the status of all processes.
The inefficiencies of the old model are replaced by data standardization, immediacy, process visibility and improved levels of service.

Self-Service Enhanced With App-Like Interactions
When you’re delivering and following up on critical services for large volumes of individuals and families, inbound inquiry and complaint calls can paralyze a program – with the managing department overwhelmed and citizens frustrated.
Utilizing the capabilities of a sister company, Zappix, VisualVault’s Case Management solution has the capability to redirect citizen inquiries to a self-service, app-like mobile experience that is intuitive, simple and delivers citizens what they’re seeking in real-time.
With this market-leading capability in place, you’ll:
- decrease inbound calls
- be able to deliver superior service during peak periods without hiring
- increase program satisfaction among citizens
Visibility is Central to Quality Case Work
Knowing where things stand and knowing that things are progressing inspires confidence. With all stakeholders operating with the VisualVault platform, visibility is dramatically enhanced – and thus, confidence in the case worker and in services being rendered.
Our Case Management solution allows for real-time reporting of all important processes such as incident management and sophisticated ECM apps that allows you to organize and search a comprehensive collection of all case-related documents.

How It Works?
Below is an example of a common case management need and how the process progresses through the system
Government agency creates case update/audit form with all required pieces of data and designs process for routing of data through process (low code iForm designer & low code workflow builder)
Field inspectors, investigators, case workers submit required updates and inspection reports online; triggering associated processes (workflow automation)
Authorized staff update and revise data and subsequently approve or reject submission (iForms & workflow automation)
Authorized staff view case data and trends in personalized online dashboard (analytics)
“That’s a Good Question!”
Is Case Management a specific application that you buy or is it typically part of a larger solution?
A Case Management solution is typically part of a larger application adopted by a government entity; however that is not always the situation.
With VisualVault, most Case Management solutions are part of a larger ECM (enterprise content management) implementation where there are multiple areas of functionality and often multiple existing systems feeding into the new platform.
What should be included in a Case Managment system to maintain the privacy and security of personal data often related to Case Management?
A good Case Management system should provide the following:
- Integrated rules and processes that drive the highest standards of compliance ECM
- Role-based data access rules
- Current security technologies and protocols
VisualVault is a highly-secure platform that maintains the highest security protocols and executes many types of solutions where access-based rules are central to the solution so only people who are supposed to see specific data see specific data.
If I purchase a Case Management solution, is it a comprehensive price that includes all tools like forms and workflows?
A good Case Management solution should include all the tools that allow you to manage the entire function. However, do carefully inspect proposals in order to confirm features and related pricing.
VisualVault works with you to assess your needs and then configures a solution that is comprehensive. While there is no single price associated with a Case Management solution, all aspects of the platform required for it to perform per the agreed-to specs are included.