The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently selected VisualVault, LLC to develop a cloud software solution to manage forest practices applications and notifications. The award represents the culmination of the previously issued public request for proposals and competitive bidding process.
As the DNR is responsible for managing the state’s forest assets, it requires an advanced digital solution that could serve to accept, process and manage all citizen and business requests related to the usage and maintenance of Washington forest assets. VisualVault’s licensing, case management and enforcement proposal and technology were deemed the best solutions for end-to-end management of a broad base of transaction types.
Central to VisualVault’s proposed solution is a secure, cloud-based portal to allow citizens to submit, pay for, and monitor the status of their requests directly on the platform from initiation through completion. Similar to this robust set of functionalities extended to citizens, DNR employees will also enjoy advanced analytic dashboards with up-to-date and easy to read overviews of all important data sorted by program and by individual request.
The breadth of citizen requests and transactions is expansive, incorporating everything from a simple inquiry or complaint to a major corporate licensing request for harvesting timber that could involve substantial land use and impacts upon forest resources. Central to the proposed solution are a forms-centric means of capturing online data and workflow automation capable of routing documents and processes seamlessly through a complex maze of departments and employees. Additionally, the suite of advanced analytics provides visibility into the status of all processes and forward-looking trends. Key operational capabilities for online payments and
e-signature for online approvals are also components of the comprehensive solution.
VisualVault CEO, Avner Schneur states “VisualVault is well-suited to efficiently process high-value, high-volume transactions, which makes it a perfect solution for Washington Department of Natural Resources employees as well as the citizens who will access the platform.” Schneur adds, “And the VisualVault analytics suite proves invaluable for implementations like this; providing highly-customizable dashboards that present valuable data summaries of program operations.”
The Executive Sponsor for the fpOnline project and Acting Deputy Supervisor for the Forest Regulation Division at DNR, Katie Rose Allen, said “We’re excited to be working with VisualVault to develop this modern business solution, which represents a major advancement for the agency and will significantly improve how we serve Washington residents.”